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Focusing on the theme, based on actual results │ Share Power 2024 "Safety production Month" activities successfully concluded

Release time:2024-07-17     Number of views:60

June this year is the 23rd national "Safety Production Month", Share Power Co., Ltd. focused on the theme of "Everyone talk about safety, everyone will respond to emergencies - Smooth passage of life", based on on-site effectiveness, adopted a combination of online and offline methods, and carried out a series of warning education, learning competitions, emergency drills, consulting services, science and education publicity, hidden danger investigation and other safety activities. Promote work with activities, ensure safety with activities, and effectively improve the safety awareness of all employees of the company, emergency response ability and project safety management level.

The company headquarters and each project department have organized all employees to watch and learn "Life Channel", "Safety production responsibility on the shoulder" and other safety production warning education films, held the company's network security knowledge learning competition, carried out the company's office building fire emergency evacuation drill, the project site production safety oath and commitment signature, flood control and emergency rescue drill, Fire extinguishing drills, electric shock emergency rescue drills, high temperature heat stroke first aid drills and project hazard source identification and hidden danger investigation and management activities, each project carefully create activity highlights, create a strong safety atmosphere, so that "safety production month" has become a publicity month, a month of tackling difficulties, and a month of implementation.

The oath of safety production of the Binhai Batan Project

Emergency evacuation drill for fire personnel in the company's office building

Safety consulting services for Changde restoration project

Employees of the company's headquarters watched the safety warning education film "Life Channel"

First aid drill for high temperature heat stroke of the CHN Energy Baoyan Project

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