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"Chasing the Winds of Fun in Early Summer": 2024's Summer Excursion

Release time:2024-05-29     Number of views:111

In the midst of our busy work schedules, the Human Resources Department organized a delightful team-building excursion from May 24th to 25th, 2024, allowing everyone to take a break and enjoy some leisure time amidst the early summer sunshine.

On the afternoon of May 24, we embarked on the journey by bus with laughter. After a short drive, we arrived at the "Hantian Qi Yunshan Room Hotel" at the foot of the picturesque Qixia Mountain, ready to meet the next wonderful activities.

In the evening, everyone gathered at the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel to enjoy a sumptuous dinner. Then, the Guandan competition kicked off. Everyone either concentrated on thinking or decided to play cards. Wisdom and strategy were displayed between the card surfaces. The competition not only tested skills, but also enhanced the friendship and tacit understanding between teams.

At the same time, another group, dressed in traditional costumes, visited Qixia ancient town. The ancient style of the town and the Hanfu set off each other, like poetry and picturesque, and everyone took photos and left a good memory.

Early the next morning, we geared up in our team outfits and set off on a hike up Qixia Mountain.

Along the way, the lush trees covered the sky, the fresh air was refreshing, and from time to time, the leisurely swans and blooming lotus flowers added to the fun of activity. In the climbing process, we laughed all the way, we encouraged each other to overcome difficulties together, and the friendship and tacit understanding between each other have also been sublimated at this moment.

Finally, we climbed to the top of the mountain, standing on the observation platform, overlooking the small mountains, the beautiful view. Everyone took pictures and punched in, leaving this unforgettable moment.

After lunch, the staff went to visit the site of the Baoyan project. Under the explanation of professional and technical staff, everyone had a more intuitive and in-depth understanding of the project, and was also full of expectations for the future development of the company.

At the same time, the company's various project departments also held a variety of team building activities. The employees of Huidong project site climb the Jiulong Peak to feel the magnificence of nature; The employees of the Kubuqi project site experienced the magic charm of desert oasis in the Qixing Lake Desert eco-tourism area; In Taizhou project, employees were organized to visit the naval ship Cultural Park to learn naval culture and strengthen national defense education; Changde project site employees in the park recreation, enjoyed a good weekend time; Yancheng Binhai and Xiangshui project employees rushed to the sea to pick up shellfish, feel the vastness of the ocean and the vitality of life.

This early summer trip not only allowed the employees to relax and adjust in the busy work, but also enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force between the team. Xihe Electric Power will continue to uphold the concept of "people-oriented", create more opportunities for employees to show themselves, exchange and learn, and jointly write a new chapter in the development of the company.

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